====== ORCA ====== ===== Current installation ===== * Versions: 4.2.0 and 4.1.2 * Parallelization: process level (OpenMPI) ====== Credits and Citation ====== Generic reference for ORCA: Neese, F. “The ORCA program system” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science, 2012, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Pages 73–78. For ORCA 4.0 and higher, additionally: Neese, F. “Software update: the ORCA program system, version 4.0” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science, 2017, Vol. 8, Issue 1, p. e1327. \\ **Please also have a look at the following authoritative documents: \\ ///home/units/Fak_II/chemie/orca/4.2.0/orca4.2-eula.pdf and /home/units/Fak_II/chemie/orca/4.2.0/Third_Party_Licenses_ORCA_4.2.pdf//.** \\ Remark: \\ **Using specific methods included in SOFTWARE may require citing additional articles, as described in the manual. LICENSEE agrees to honor the request to cite additional papers as appropriate.** \\ ===== Usage ===== 1) Loading module: module use /home/units/Fak_II/chemie/modules module add chemistry/orca/4.2.0 2) Running: * **In serial mode**: orca [name_of_input_file] * **In parallel mode**: srun --hint=nomultithread -n1 -E orca [name_of_input_file] \\ ===== Remarks ===== * **In parallel mode, there is a bug in ORCA that defends a user to run more than one job on the same node.** This problem seems to be unfixable. (No help in ORCA forum available). \\ ===== Batch Job Scripts ===== * For parallel runs: [[https://it.chem.tu-berlin.de/wiki/doku.php?id=hpc:hpc_tubit:slurm_usage:packages_jobscript:orca|Batch jobs with ORCA]] \\ date of revision: 10-21-2019 © kraus