**Still under construction**
====== Using the SLURM batch job facility ======
===== Common Commands =====
- slurm (introduction)
- interactive jobs: **salloc** (only interactive jobs) && **srun** (interactive jobs and tasks)
- batch jobs: **sbatch** (batch jobs to queue)
- **scancel** (signal/stop running jobs)
- **sstat** (infos wrt. running jobs)
- **squeue** (show queues)
- sinfo (show node infos)
===== Manpages =====
* ''man 1 sbatch''
* ''man 1 srun''
* ''man 1 salloc''
* ''man 1 scancel''
* ''man 1 squeue''
* ''man 1 sinfo''
===== Common terms =====
* cpu: hardware processor, a core (not logical CPU entity, no hyperthreading)
* node: computing host
* queue: scheduling of jobs on a partition/group of nodes
* partition: a group of nodes with similar computing capabilities
* task: runs a process within a SLURM job context (does not need to do resource allocation)
* allocation: reservation of resources for interactive/batch job
* job: a collection of job steps (needs resource allocation)
* step: single command as part of a job
===== Important switches for sbatch/srun/salloc =====
- ''-a '' job array with index range, e.g. ''-a 0,1,4-6'' or ''-a 0-8:2'' (environment variables available: **SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID**, **SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID**, **SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT** etc.)
- '' -d '' define dependencies on other jobs (dependency_list: **after:job_id[:job_id]** or **afterok:job_id[:job_id]** and so on)
- --''begin='' (absolute/relative) start time of job (see ''man 1 sbatch'')
- --''deadline='' job only scheduled as long as it finishes before deadline
- --''mem='' amount of resident memory **per node** to allocate, e.g. 1G (1 Gibibyte)
- ''-t