======= Job queues and parallel job environments at Numerikserver =======
===== Preliminary notes about the architecture of the Numerikserver =====
* SGE knows about several special environments for parallel jobs types, the PE. Each process of a parallel job is bound to one slot. In the current setup, a slot corresponds to a processor core.
* Parallel jobs need to specify a corresponding parallel environment within their bach job script.
* The Numerikserver divides into 21 clusters, each containing nodes with a specific hardware architecture.
===== About queues and parallel environments in general =====
* Queues allow to classify jobs with respect to their run-time (wall clock time).
* Parallel Environments (PE) allow to classify jobs with respect their type of parallelism.
===== Query list of available queues =====
* type the command: qconf -sql
===== Query properties of a single queue =====
* type the command: qconf -sq [name_of_queue]
===== Available queues - different run-time limits =====
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Depending on the run-time requirements of your job, the appropriate queue will be automatically chosen. No need to specify the queue explicitly.
* **short**: 12 h
* **medium**:72 hours (3 d)
* **long**: 220 hours (9 d 4 h) \\
* **verylong** (only on three clusters): 1344 hours (56 d)
===== Defining parallel job environments (PE) =====
* General syntax defining a PE: ''[mp|ompi]_ [number_of_proceses|range_number_of_processes]'' \\ (mandatory arguments in ''[]'' and optional arguments in ''<>'' given)
* Several examples:
* SMP/MPI job intranode (request 9 slots on a single node within any cluster): ''mp 9''
* MPI job internode (request 18 slots on a variable number of nodes residing in any cluster; NB: all nodes reside within the same cluster) : ''ompi 18'' or ''ompi* 18''
* MPI job internode on a specific cluster (request 20 slots on a variable number of nodes residing in cluster 4): ''ompi4 20''
* MPI job internode with explicit partitioning (request in total 32 slots, on each node spending 8 slots): ''ompi*_8 32''
===== Query list of available PE =====
* type the command: qconf -spl
===== Query properties of a single PE =====
* type the command: qconf -sp [name_of_PE]
===== Query resources of a specific cluster node =====
* type the command: qhost
date of revision: 06-19-2019 © kraus