====== NAMD with CUDA ====== Launch the script shown below by typing: \\ qsub jobscript_namd-2.13_cuda-smp.sh \\ #!/bin/bash --login ##### example for an NAMD OpenMP run with 4 CPU #$ -cwd ##### please define your own job resources # time in hh:mm:ss #$ -l h_rt=00:30:00 #$ -l mem_free=1G #$ -pe mp 2 # GPU resources and CUDA Compute Capability #$ -l gpus=1 # select from node pool comprising node batches node[560-565] (GeForce GTX 1080), node[730-739] (Quadro RTX 6000) and node[740-741] (GeForce RTX 2080 Ti) # #$ -l ccc=6 # select from node pool comprising node batches node[730-739] (Quadro RTX 6000) and node[740-741] (GeForce RTX 2080 Ti) #$ -l ccc=7 #$ -N jobname #$ -e jobname_err.out #$ -o jobname_stdout.out #$ -j n #$ -m n ########## module use /projects/biomodeling/modules module add namd/2.13_cuda-smp namd2 +p $NSLOTS inputfile > outputfile \\ date of revision: 11-06-2020 © kraus