====== Assertion failed ======
If you get the following error message,
{{:windowsuser:fehlermeldung_assertion_failed.png|Assertation failed}}
Since May, 1st, 2021 the following solution will not work anymore.
please follow these steps:
* Mark and copy this address: "\\softwarerepo.fak2.win.tu-berlin.de\software\OpenAFS\Reset Settings in Network Identity Manager.reg"
* Open the explorer and paste the copied address
* You get a message. Please choose: execute
* Now you would be ask to execute. Please to do so (yes)
* You get an information, that the registration data would be "added" to the registry. The registry is clean up now.
* Please log off an log on again
* The error message shouldn't pop up again.
Copy the following lines to a text file, and save it with the extension .reg.
Double Click on the reg-file, to import the settings. This will delete the two Regkeys.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
If the error still exists, please [[windowsuser:how_to_reset_your_profile| reset your profile]].