====== Origin Einstellungen ====== Before you use Origin, you should check, that the paths are set correct. * Click on **Tools** (Hilfsmittel), **Options** (Optionen) * Change to Tab (Register) **Systempaths** (Systempfade) * Set **User Files Folder** (Anwenderdatenordner) to \\afs\tu-berlin.de\units\Fak_II\%Orgname%\volume\users\%Username%\My Documents\OriginLab\%Version%\User Files\ * Set **Group Folder** (Gruppenordner) to \\afs\tu-berlin.de\units\Fak_II\%Orgname%\volume\group\Originlab (Optional, and have to be created by an Administrator first) ===== Variables ===== |%Orgname%|replace this with your Organame, i.e. biocat or biochemie| |%Username%|replace this with your tubit Account name| |%Version%|replace this with the version of Origin, i.e. 9.1, 9.5, 2017|