Usage of Modules package

  1. List all available/installed modules: module avail
  2. Load a module: module add/load [module_name]
  3. Unload a module: module rm/unload [module_name]
  4. Add/Remove path containing modules: module use/unuse [module_path_to_add]
  5. Switch specific versions of same module: module swap/switch [module_name_loaded] [module_name_to-load]
  6. Unload all modules: module purge
  7. Show textual description of a specific module: module whatis [module_name]
  8. Show short info (pathes, environment) of a specific module: module display/show [module_name]
  9. Search all module descriptions: module apropos/keyword [sring_to_search]
  10. Accessing online help: module help [name_of_module or name_of_module_command]

date of revision: 11-25-2019 © kraus