WinGX and Ortep-3 for Windows require a license. Please submit a license request to obtain the license by return email. Follow the instructions given in the email to install the license.
Please note that ALL fields need to be FILLED IN or SELECTED to obtain a license.
Separate requests need to be made for WinGX and Ortep-3 for Windows licenses. One license is valid for multiple machines and versions of Windows and for future program updates, i.e. you only need to request a license ONCE.
Please use an official email address (i.e. from your institution) if at all possible and PLEASE ENSURE that it is correct - otherwise you will receive nothing!
If you do not receive an email, it may be because it is rejected as SPAM by your local mail server. There is nothing I can do about this, please consult your IT officer.
This email message is your license for : WinGX
Save this message as a straight text file called „WinGX-license“ and place it in the home directory of the program (the same place you keep your program INI file).
If you have problems with the license file, then please see Q 2 before emailing me about it.
DO NOT change anything below this line.
######################################################################## Program license for : WinGX User name : XXX YYY User email : User affiliation : TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin Windows version : Windows 7 License number : 000000000 ########################################################################
Save the Licence file WinGX-license to c:\wingx