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Interactive srun jobs

<html> Standard nodes: </html> <html> srun -pstandard -t20:00 –mem=2G -n2 -N1 –hint=nomultithread –pty /bin/bash -il </html>
<html> SMP nodes: </html> <html> srun -psmp -t20:00 –mem=2G -n2 -N1 –hint=nomultithread –pty /bin/bash -il </html>
<html> GPU nodes: </html> <html> salloc -pgpu -t20:00 –mem=2G -n2 -N1 –hint=nomultithread –gres=gpu:tesla:1 –no-shell<br/>Then: srun [command_name] –pty /bin/bash -il </html>

date of revision: 02-26-2020 © kraus

hpc/hpc_tubit/slurm_usage/interactive_jobs.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/10/06 17:38 von kraus
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