IT System Infrastructure at the Institute for Chemistry
The TU Berlin have a central IT department, called ZECM. ZECM is responsible for central services like email, storage, backup, identity management and so on. If problems occurs on central services, you can contact ZECM via telephone 28000 or via Email.
Most departments of the Institute of Chemistry have computers that are managed by the chemistry IT team. We are responsible for the workstations at the institute for chemistry.
You can contact the IT team by email or telephone.
- René Janaczeck: 22263
- Thomas Langenhahn: 70597
- Sebastian Kraus: 29892
At all central managed systems at the institute for chemistry you can login with your TU Account.
After login there are 3 mapped network drives in explorer.
Z: is your personal storage. Only you and the ZECM administrators will have access. If you have trouble with files and folders on z:, please contact ZECM.
The drives g: and w: are managed by the chemistry IT Team.
G: is called group drive. Every department have its own group drive. This drive is for sharing files and folders within a group. Be aware, all group members have full access and can delete or move files and folders.
W: is called work drive. Each user have it's own work drive and only the user, the professor and the IT Team have access to this drive. This drive is for storing your „work“ that you create during your employment, studies, …
All network drives will be backup on a daily basis. If you accidently delete a file or folder, it can be restored from a backup, but it needs some time and you'll have to contact ZECM.
You will find in the root of a folder a folder named .snapshot. In this folder you can find a backup of changed files, but only for one day. Please take a look here first, before you ask for restore from a backup.
The data stored on the network resides on a file system called AFS. AFS is a storage system, that can be used on Linux, MACOS and Windows Systems. Therefor you need to install a AFS Client, to have access to AFS.
The advantage is too, that you have access to your files and folders stored on AFS, from all over the world, so you don't need to be at the TU Berlin.
You will find a AFS Icon in the system tray.
On managed Windows Systems we always install an OpenAFS client.
Within your login you will automatically get an AFS Token, so you get access to the AFS storage.
An AFS Token has a lifetime about 10 hours by default. Yon can check the lifetime in the network identity manager.
After 10 hours you will lose access to AFS. To get access to AFS again, you have to renew your AFS Token.
On managed systems a popup appears after login.
Please type in your password in the Network Identity Manager. The advantage is, that the renewal starts automatically and your AFS Token get valid for a maximum of 7 days.
Please read also AFS problems.
On computers managed by the chemistry IT Team, you will find in the system tray (left from the clock) a green puzzle icon. We called it Softwareshop.
The Softwareshop give you the possibility to install software without to be an administrator and you didn't have to ask for install.
Some software needs a license, i.e. Adobe Professional. If no license available for your computer you get a message and the installation will stop. If your professor accept to buy a license, we will unlock your computer, so you can install the software.
We have a Wiki where you can find useful informations about faq and problems.
Fix Problems
For problems, that occurs often, we have a) documented these in our Wiki b) we create a section in the softwareshop called Fix Problems. Here you can find fixes to self repair your problem.
If the problem still occurs please contact the IT Team
Working from Home / RD-Server
If you are at home or somewhere else, you can use our Remote Desktop Server infrastructure, which means, you have access to a virtualised computer running chemical software and where you have access to your files and folders in AFS.
Informations about how to connect to these RD-Servers you can find here: RD-Server
Please read also Configure RDP Client.