Good Practice - Available parameters
(please also cf. man qsub
Example header for a batch job script:
#!/bin/bash --login #$ -N [jobname] # job resources #$ -l mem_free=[xxxM]|[yyyG] #$ -l h_rt=HH:MM:SS #$ -q [name_of_job_queue] #$ -pe [name_of_parallel_env] [no_of_cpu_cores] # cd to execution path #$ -cwd # mail stuff #$ -o stdout.out #$ -e stderr.out #$ -j [no|yes] #$ -m [n|b|e|e,b,...] #$ -M [name_of_your_mailbox]
(where "|" signifies exclusive OR and all lines beginning with #$ are directives interpreted the batch job scheduler)
Detailed description of the batch job directives:
#!/bin/bash --login
## invoke an appropriate **login** shell
#$ -m [n|b|e|e,b,...]
mails about job status changes (n, no mail; b, beginning; e, end; ...) are send to the address given in [name_of_mailbox] or no mails (n) are send
#$ -M [name_of_your_mailbox]
only needed when mails should be send
date of revision: 02-14-2020 © kraus