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Running CFOUR

  1. module use /net/projects/kaupp/modules && module load cfour/1.2
  2. Basis file named GENBAS and input file named ZMAT must be present in current working directory:
  3. ln -sr /projects/kaupp/prog/cfour/1.2/basis/GENBAS
  4. In SGE batch jobs invoke via:
    xcfour ZMAT

    (OpenMPI accesses all necessary information in a fully transparent mann from within SGE)

  5. Interactive test jobs:
    cfour_mpirun_opts="-np <no_proc>" xcfour ZMAT
  6. For further explanations please type: '
    module help cfour/1.2

date of revision: 02-17-2020 © kraus

hpc/numericserveruser/software/quantenchemie_group/cfour/executing.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/02/17 20:53 von kraus
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