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Citing & Credits

  1. The users must be informed that any published work arising from use of “MRCC” must include the following citation: “Mrcc, a quantum chemical program suite written by M. Kállay, Z. Rolik, J. Csontos, P. Nagy, G. Samu, D. Mester, J. Csóka, B. Szabó, I. Ladjánszki, L. Szegedy, B. Ladóczki, K. Petrov, M. Farkas, P. D. Mezei, and B. Hégely. See also. Z. Rolik, L. Szegedy, I. Ladjánszki, B. Ladóczki, and M. Kállay, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 094105 (2013), as well as: <html></html>.”
  2. Any published work arising from use of “MRCC” must also include citations to the scientific publications which describe the underlying methodological developments. The corresponding references are given in Section 6 of document “Manual for the MRCC Program System”, which is provided with the Software “MRCC”. (see:
  3. If any input data for “MRCC” are generated by another program system, the users are also obliged to include an appropriate citation to the other program system as required by its authors.

date of revision: 01-29-2019 © kraus

hpc/numericserveruser/software/quantenchemie_group/mrcc/citation_requirements.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/01/29 15:44 von kraus
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