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Obtain a license

How to activate Citavi Add-In in MS Word

  1. In MS Word goto to the File Menu und select Options
  2. Select Add-Ins
  3. Select COM Add-Ins and click on Go…
  4. Activate Citavi Word Word Add-In
  5. Click on OK
  6. Citavi will now appear in the menu. If not, please follow the the steps to Disable Notification for unsigned Add-Ins.

Deactivate "Disable Notification for unsigned Add-Ins"

Disable Notification for unsigned Add-Ins

  1. In MS Word goto to the File Menu und select Options
  2. Select Trust Center
  3. Click on Trust Center Settings
  4. Select Add-Ins
  5. Deselect „Disable notification for unsigned add-ins (code will remain disabled)
  6. Click on OK

Security Warning: Enable Content

How to activate Citavi Add-In in MS Word

  • If you see the security warning, please click on Enable Content
  • Select Advanced Options
  • Select „Enable all code published by this publisher“

Security Warning

Security Warning, Advanced Options

Enable all code published by this publisher

How to deactivate Citavi in MS Word

If you would like to deactivate the Citavi Add-In in MS Word, follow these steps:

  • Start MS Word
  • Go to File, Options, Add-Ins
  • Select in Manage: Com-Add-Ins
  • Deactivate Citavi Word Add-In
  • Go to File, Options, Add-Ins again
  • Select in Manage: Word-Add-Ins
  • Deactive

Manage Com-Add-Ins

Deactivate Citavi Word Add-In

Manage Word-Add-Ins


windowsuser/programme/citavi.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/02/23 08:13 von janaczeck
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